HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! From his Family: “Yea he has been found.” Terrific news! Thanks so much to all who took the time to care and share Whiskey’s info… very much appreciated. Yippee! (12.14.15 – 12.15.15)
Breed or Mix: Chocolate Lab
Sex: Male, Age: Adult
Collar/Tags: Green collar with tags that have his name on it and a phone number
Lost on: 12/14/2015
Area: Newcombville, Lunenburg Co., NS
Additional Notes: Whiskey has medium length fur and is very friendly but may be shy/nervous when being approached by a stranger. His tags does have a phone number on them that can be used to contact the owner. He ran off on December 14th early afternoon with another dog but the other dog returned shortly after leaving.
Please Contact: …
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