HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Persistence and Patience have once again brought a dog into safety. Thanks to a dedicated group “Buffy’s Best Bud’s”, including her Owner, Buffy has been safely trapped this morning and is off to the Vets for a check up…she looks good. A huge thank you to all involved. It wouldn’t have happened without this dedicated group and a homeowner and family who stepped up to the plate to help. Amazing! Thank you, of course, to all who cared and shared Buffy’s info. (12.4.15 – 12.21.15)
Breed or Mix: Wire Haired Terrier Mix
Sex: Female, Age: 1-1/2yrs old
Collar/Tags: Green collar
Lost on: 12/04/2015
Area: Middle Sackville, Halifax, NS
Additional Notes: She is a scruffy wire haired Terrier Mix ~ I just adopted her from the Dominican and haven’t had her for 2 hrs and she BOLTED through my legs when i tossed a rug she had peed on out on my deck .. she is terrified and cold and would not know her way back home… please help me and her .. im sick to m y stomach..
Please Contact: …
Second sighting today!! Last seen approx 1 1/2 hrs ago crossing Sackville Dr from chip truch to ConnollyDr.
Mentioned to a Co worker tonight about your dog, said she saw a small scruffy dog in her neighbors yard. She lives on first street off the old Sackville road. She wasn’t sure if she seen it on sat or sun. Hope you find him.
i saw her last weekend at Barrett lot on beaverbank road when i was parked selling stuff,tried calling her n almost got her close enough anda car frightened her away.she was hanging around between that restaurant and the caged yard.ill be back there through the week so if i see her ill call the number.
We had Buffy pass by us this morning on Nictaux behind Leslie Thomas Junior High. Contacted.
Any updates? I live in the area if you want some help putting up flyers! I hope you get her back soon!!