HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared and the finder for keeping him safe. “His owner came running out of the house in her pajamas calling his name, and he clearly responded as their pet. They had been out looking for him through the night. ” (11.6.15 – 11.7.15)
Breed or Mix: St. Bernard
Sex: Male, Age: Adult
Collar/Tags: Modified dog collar. Only tag is the HRM tag.
Found on: 11/06/2015
Area: South End Halifax, Halifax, NS
Additional Notes: Dog’s name is Smokey. He is lanky but in good shape, hence the estimate of his age at 2-3 years old. Not hungry. Obviously well cared for. Gentle. Traditional Saint Bernard colouring and markings. Animal Control has contacted the only number they have on file for the owner but there is no answer. They left a message at that number with our information so the owner can call us directly. We found this dog running loose with his leash attached, and a second leash tangled with his leash, at 7pm Friday night Nov 6/15 in South End Halifax.
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