HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From Animal Control: “Dakota’s owner has been found. He will be picked up in the morning…” Thanks so much to the kind folks that got Dakota to safety and Animal Control for reuniting this sweet, well mannered dog with his family. Thanks also to all who cared and shared. Yippee!! (10.19.15 – 10.19.15)
Breed or Mix: Black Lab Mix
Sex: Male, Age: Adult
Collar/Tags: Lime Green Collar
Found on: 10/19/2015
Area: Hwy 325, Wileville, Lunenburg, NS
Additional Notes: Black Lab Mix with white chest. Mild mannered. Well trained. Found in Wileville area. Picked up by Animal Control
Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Animal Control Officer by calling 902-277-0017 or Animal Services: Lunenburg – 902-543-2022, Bridegewater – 902-527-0063
Dakota,s owner has been found. He will be picked up in the morning…
The owner has been located after many posts/re-posts on my facebook wall. I have informed them to call Animal Control, which they did, and she will be picking him up in the morning. Happy Ending 🙂