HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! Thanks goes out to those who got this old boy to safety, Homeward Bound City Pound for keeping him safe, and to all those that cared and shared his info. Just Terrific! (9.5.15 – 9.6.15)
Breed or Mix: Hound/Lab Mix
Sex: Male, Age: Senior
Collar/Tags: Greyish collar, no tags
Found on: 9.5.15
Area: Porter’s Lake, Halifax, NS
Additional Info: MALE: Hound/Lab mix, senior, tan coat with white blaze on chest, white sox, wearing a greyish collar, no tags. Found roaming on Sept. 5/15.
Contact Info: Please cross post and if you have any information contact Animal Control at 311 or Homeward Bound City Pound
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