Polly and Boo
HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From their Family: “Both girls are now home! Lookin’ a little rough but they will recover after a long nap and some dinner! Thank you so very much to everyone who shared or helped in anyway and a huge thank you to Lost Dog network, ya’ll are truly amazing! So happy my girls are home <3 <3 <3” Yippee!! (8.25.15 – 8.26.15)
Breed or Mix: Beagles
Sex: Female, Age: 6 years old
Collar/Tags: Both have flea collars on with little pink bone shaped tags which say their names and my phone number.
Lost on: 08/25/2015
Area: Beaver Bank, Halifax, NS
Additional Notes: Both escaped sometime this afternoon through the window with an airconditioner while I was at work. They are never leave each others side so will more than likely be together. Both dogs are extremely friendly and will more than likely come to you if called. Respond very well to the word walky. Boo, the larger of the two has a microchip in her ear as well.
Please Contact: …
Both girls are now home! Lookin’ a little rough but they will recover after a long nap and some dinner! Thank you so very much to everyone who shared or helped in anyway and a huge thank you to Lost Dog network, ya’ll are truly amazing! So happy my girls are home <3 <3 <3