HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his Family: “Just got a call Ruger has been located and the person that has him is driving him home. Thank you!” That’s fantastic… thanks so much to all who cared and shared as well. Yeah!! (8.6.15 – 8.6.15)
Breed or Mix: German Shorthaired Pointer
Sex: Male, Age: 12
Collar/Tags: No collar. Tattoo inside ear.
Lost on: 08/06/2015
Area: MacKay Siding /Alton, Colchester, NS
Additional Notes: Ruger is elderly with slight hearing loss. Very afraid of thunder and lightning. Went missing approximately 3 hours ago. Needs medication for hip pain. Does not normally wander, so odd behaviour for him. Will probably come if called. Friendly dog and not aggressive.
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