HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From her Family: “Oh thank you all!!!! She is HOME!! A little case of mistaken identity but all is good. She was well looked after and I am so greatful.” Thanks to all who cared and shared, such great news!! YEAH!! (8.4.15 – 8.5.15)
Breed or Mix: Yellow Lab Mix
Sex: Female, Age: 14
Collar/Tags: Faded blue collar
Lost on: 08/04/2015
Area: Enfield, Hants, NS
Additional Notes: Journey is a friendly dog, who will bark at first but while wagging her tail. She can be aggressive towards other female dogs. Very afraid of thunder and lightening. She is all white, she looks younger then she is, she is in pretty good shape aprox 65 lbs. Loves the water.
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