HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From her Family: “Ebony is home!!!!” Thanks so much to all who cared and shared her info… she’s safe! Yippee!! (8.14.15 – 8.14.15)
Breed or Mix: Shiloh Shepherd
Sex: Female, Age: 2 years
Collar/Tags: Two blue collars, tag with owner information (also blue)
Lost on: 08/14/2015
Area: Centerville, King’s, NS
Additional Notes: Black with long hair, buff colored underside and lower legs. Timid temperment, weights about 90 pounds. Escaped invisible fence this morning around 10am (August 14). Reports of sightings near Bains Road and Middle Dyke Road in Sheffield Mills. Owner information on dog tag.
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