HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From her Family: “Thank you for all your help. Trixie is home tonight relaxing after being lost for four days. The thunderstorm on Friday scared her and she was running out of her mind. We are so happy to have her home safe.” Thanks so much to all who took the time to care and share Trixie’s info. YIPPEE!!! (8.21.15 – 8.24.15)
Breed or Mix: Black Lab Mix
Sex: Female, Age: 8
Collar/Tags: Red collar
Lost on: 08/21/2015
Area: Aylesford, Kings, NS
Additional Notes: Trixie was scared due to the Thunderstorm, She disappeared on Friday and was seen on Saturday afternoon on the Cranberry bog in Aylesford, in back of the Camp ground. She was scared and wouldn’t come to anyone, she just runs away. She is very timid. Trixie has a shinny black coat with a little white on her chest.
Please Contact: …
looks alot like dog found on burgess mtn. rd