HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his Finder: “I still have him and I just spoke with his owner!! She described him to a tee and will be here to get him soon! He spent the night very well in the crate, was comfy and nested in a blanket I had for him. Had a few walks, a bit of breakfast, and is visiting with my coworkers in a comfy air-conditioned office.” Terrific news… thanks so much to all who cared and shared his info… yippee!! (8.5.15 – 8.6.15)
Breed or Mix: Yorkie
Sex: Male, Age: Young Adult
Collar/Tags: Blue harness
Found on: 08/05/2015
Area: Middleton, Annapolis, NS
Additional Notes: Very friendly with other dogs and people. Trotted right up to my male Dalmatian and let me pick him up. Has a new looking blue harness. Quiet, gives kisses.
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