HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Halifax, Halifax, NS — Black Labrador Retriever, Male, Senior — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Thanks so much to the finders for doing all they could to get this old boy to safety. He’s back home tonight thanks to all the kind folks out there. Thanks to those who cared and shared as well… What a cute old man, so glad he’s home. (8.20.15 – 8.20.15)

Breed/s: Labrador Retriever (Black)

Sex: Male, Age: Senior (Possibly Blind)

Collar/Tags: Blue collar with yellow crowns/no tags

Found on: 8.20.15

Area:  Halifax, Halifax, NS

Additional Info: MALE: Labrador Retriever, senior, black coat, wearing a blue collar with yellow ” crowns”, no tags, appears to be visually impaired. Found roaming on Aug. 20/15.

Contact Info: 



  1. shannon submitted this update

    Please check this dogs insulin level, he appears to have the symptoms of diabetis! Resembles our diabetic lab! (Blindness, no muscle mass…he may need insulin!)
    Hope he finds his way home soon! Hugs to this beautiful boy!♡

  2. Brad submitted this update

    There is a lost report for this dog submitted by the owner who lives on Henry St. Dog is blind apparently. The person who had this dog should call 311 in the morning.

    • Ann submitted this update

      Hi Brad,

      I’m a bit confused about your message. Where is there a lost report? With Animal Control? As we, NS Lost Dog Network, have not received any report from the owner. This dog is actually with Animal Control/Homeward Bound City Pound… so if you know the owner, they should be the ones contacting 311. Hope this helps…

      Ann Morrison

  3. Shannon submitted this update

    Awesome news! So glad he has been found! #HomeSafeNSound ♡

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