HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! This dog has gone home, thanks to all the kind folks that got her to safety. And thanks to those that cared and shared her info. Yeah! (8.19.15 – 8.23.15)
Breed or Mix: Shih tzu
Sex: Female, Age: Adult
Collar/Tags: Pink collar
Found on: 08/19/2015
Area: Bedford, Halifax, NS
Additional Notes: This dog was found near the mailboxes at approx 1700 today. Friendly, sweet and with flea collar and pink cloth collar. Several neighbours are taking care of this cutie pie right now, so do contact the finders first to find out where she is staying.
Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Halifax Animal Control by dialling 311 and picking 5 from the options or Homeward Bound City Pound at 902-407-7283
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