HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! From his Family: “Gizmo has been found! Thank you everyone for your help.” Yes, thanks to all who cared and shared. Yippee!! (7.7.15 – 7.7.15)
Breed or Mix: Golden Retreiver Mix
Sex: Male, Age: 3
Collar/Tags: Green collar
Lost on: 07/07/2015
Area: Pictou Road, Bible Hill, Colchester, NS
Additional Notes: Very friendly, responds to “Gizmo” “Giz” “Gizzy”. Ran from yard near the Pictou Road ball field.
Please Contact: …
Gizmo has been found! Thank you everyone for your help.
Great news – thanks for the confirmation. Where was Gizmo found?
Janet Chernin
Gizmo ran straight home 3km and crossed at least two well traveled roads!