HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yippee!! Thanks to all the local folks who consistently reported sightings, Holly is now back home safely. Getting the word out through NSLDN and Posters, etc worked. Can’t say enough good things about effective Posters. Thanks, of course, to all those who cared and shared. (7.1.15 – 7.12.15)
Breed or Mix: Chocolate Lab
Sex: Female, Age: Adult
Collar/Tags: No Collar at the time missing.
Lost on: 07/01/2015
Area: Hwy 1, Three Mile Plains, West Hants, NS
Additional Notes: FROM PEI and does not know the area. Very friendly dog, but quite timid. Got scared away due to neighbour’s fireworks around 10pm on July 1st. Last seen just past the Irving in Garland’s Crossing. Has a white patch on her chest. Currently not wearing her collar/tags.
Please Contact: …
Holly still has not been found. We have extended our search to Falmouth and Sweets Corner area. Local search continues.