HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yippee!! Simon was getting checked over at the vets last night, we are hoping he has a quick recovery. Thanks so much to all who cared and shared his info… Yeah! (7.12.15 – 7.17.15)
Breed or Mix: Valley Bull / Boxer Mix
Sex: Male, Age: 6
Collar/Tags: Remington collar. Camo coloured
Lost on: 07/12/2015
Area: Antigonish, Antigonish Co., NS
Additional Notes: Simon is mg dogs name he went missing from home sometime Sunday July 12. He is tri coloured mostly black white chest and paws. He has a docked tail. He is extremely friendly and would jump In with anyone. He lives other dogs and would go into someone’s yard to play with another dog.
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