HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Thanks to the folks that connected the dots getting the lost dog and the lost owners back together. Thanks to the kind folks who kept this dog off the streets and to HRM Animal Control for giving this dog shelter and good care. Of course a big thank you to all who cared and shared his info… just fantastic! (6.12.15 – 5.12.15)
Breed or Mix: Shepherd/Husky Mix
Sex: Male, Age: Senior
Collar/Tags: No Collar
Found on: 06/12/2015
Area: Hannebury at Caldwell Rd, Cole Harbour, NS
Additional Notes: Found roaming..checked with a few houses, no one recognized him.
We have called Animal Control.
Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Animal Control by dialling 311 picking 5 from the options.
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