Beulah / Beu
HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! From her Family: “Thanks to everyone for all their help and shares, Beulah is finally home safe and sound! It’s off to the pet store for a pretty new collar! Thanks again to all who shared! Our boys are so happy to have their doggy back home!” (5.28.15 – 5.29.15)
Breed or Mix: Bull Mastiff / Boxer / AmStaff Mix
Sex: Female, Age: 4
Collar/Tags: none* she slipped her head out of her collar when she was on her lead.
Lost on: 05/28/2015
Area: Truro, Colchester, NS
Additional Notes: Beulah has a wonderful temperament and would likely walk up to a person wagging her tail. She will jump up though. She is wonderful with kids and wouldn’t hurt a fly. Beulah has brindle markings with a white patch on her chest. She is short haired with a short snout and wide head. Her neck is quite big and she managed to slip her head through her collar when she was on her lead chain. This has happened once before but she made her way back home. Unfortunately that’s not the case today. Please if you see her let us know, her family misses her!
Please Contact: …
Thanks to everyone for all their help and shares, Beulah is finally home safe and sound! It’s off to the pet store for a pretty new collar! Thanks again to all who shared! Our boys are so happy to have their doggy back home!