HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his Family: “Rusty has been found and is now home, safe and sound! Thank you Nova Scotia Lost Dog Network (and of course Janet!).” Thanks to all who took the time to care and share. (5.13.15 – 5.13.15)
Breed or Mix: Pom/Chi Mix
Sex: Male, Age: Senior, 14 years old
Collar/Tags: not wearing a collar
Lost on: 05/13/2015
Area: Halifax, Halifax, NS
Additional Notes: Rusty is a tiny red Pom/Chi cross (about 5 pounds). He is quite deaf, so a loud voice is necessary to make him hear. He’s friendly, but afraid of sudden movements, so a slow, steady approach is best. He has no teeth, so his tongue is usually dangling from the side of his mouth. He does have cataracts, but can still see reasonably well.
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