Breed or Mix: Shih tzu
Sex: Male, Age: 3
Collar/Tags: no collar
Lost on: 03/03/2015
Area: Lingan Road at Roaches Road, Lingan Bay, Cape Breton Co., NS
Additional Notes: Extremely shy and nervous – visiting the area and slipped out of his harness
Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Peter, silk.p@hotmail.com 902-574-0745
Thee days ago I was driving down sterling road in glacé bay and there was a little dog the same size as this one wandering aimlessly all over the road. The cars were going around him. He was filthy full of mud all over his paws. I didn’t remember his name to try and call him. I am not sure if it is him but I thought I would let you know.
Lori – I believe this Dog – Teddy & his Parent are not from here so I wonder if you could write here as to just what part of the Sterling you were in at the time- a nearby business or civic address- it sure would help. I’m sure he could have travelled that far by now. Maybe readers would know people in this area and nearby and they could keep an eye out for him and report in.
I seen a little dog that looks identical to this one. He was running up the center line of lingan road. But the lower half towards whitney pier. I actually pulled my car over; and tried to get him but he looked very nervous and darted off into the ditch. I looked for him but he was gone; I looked over the last couple days and didn’t see any sign of him. Hope he is returned safely!!
I think you may have seen this dog, who is now home safe:
Thank you so much for reporting this,
Ann Morrison
Laura Harris found a Dog who looks like this
Check lost and found pets cape Breton on facebook…Laura Harris found one like this…Debbie rideout posted info
I’m not sure if the link attached will work or not but there is a woman on FB that has a Shitzu she found three days ago. Her name is Laura Harris. The dog’s fur is overgrown and it appears to be more of a grey and black colour that brownish, but it could be the lighting
Laura Harris posted photos of a dog that appears to look similar on Cape Breton Lost and Found Animals Facebook Group…