Odie ***STOCK PHOTO*** Not Actual Dog
HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!! Great news…He was found about 15 miles from home! From his Family: “We are Happy to say that Odie has been found, Thank-You to everyone in the Kennetcook area for there support, and watching out for him. We are beside ourselves happy
“ Thanks to all who cared and shared. (11.7.14 – 11.12.14)
Breed or Mix: Chocolate Lab
Sex: Male, Age: 6 yrs
Collar/Tags: Invisible fence collar
Lost on: 11/07/2014
Area: Hwy 236, Upper Kennetcook, Hants Co., NS
Additional Notes: 75lbs, short smooth dark brown coat, should have on an invisible fence colar, very shy of people ,
Please Contact: …
We are Happy to say that Odie has been found, Thank-You to everyone in the Kennetcook area for there support, and watching out for him. We are beside ourselves happy 🙂 🙂
Odie is home and in good shape was 15 miles from home