HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!! From her owners: “DUSTY IS HOME!!!!! Apparently she had a great day playing at the beach with some cottagers! So happy and relieved! Thanks everyone for sharing! This is a great site, but hopefully I never have to use it again
“ Thanks to all who cared and shared… Yeah!! (6.29.14 – 6.29.14)
Breed or Mix: Husky Mix
Sex: Female, Age: 7 years old
Collar/Tags: No, she isn’t wearing her collar
Lost on: 06/29/2014
Area: Hwy #2, Bass River, Colchester, NS
Additional Notes: Dusty and one of my other dogs escaped through the fence in the backyard this morning and I haven’t seen her since. My other dog has returned, but Dusty is still missing. We have driven around everywhere and walked through the woods and up and down the road with no luck. She usually comes when called, so I am very worried about her. She is very friendly, and loves people. She isn’t wearing her collar (I took it off because my other dog likes to grab it when they play) and she doesn’t have a microchip. She is white with some brown markings down the middle of her back. I have called Animal Control to let them know she is missing.
Please Contact: …
DUSTY IS HOME!!!!! Apparently she had a great day playing at the beach with some cottagers! So happy and relieved! Thanks everyone for sharing! This is a great site, but hopefully I never have to use it again 🙂