HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Back Road, Brookland, Pictou Co., NS — German Shepherd/Black Lab Mix, Male, 12 — “Toby (aka Tobe)”


Toby (aka Tobe)

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yipppeeee!!! From the Owner: “Toby has been located and we’re heading to pick him up soon!!!!! Thank you for all the support. This Lost Dog Network is incredible and I’m happy to know it exists.”  (8.8.13 – 8.10.13)

Breed or Mix: German Shepherd/black lab mix

Sex: Male, Age: 12

Collar/Tags: ??

Lost on: 08/08/2013

Area: Back Road, Brookland, Pictou, NS

Additional Notes: Black with brindle legs and muzzle. Medium length hair. In excellent shape for an older dog. Extremely friendly. Use to running in the woods but never goes far without us.

Please Contact: …


  1. Raina submitted this update

    Toby has been located and we’re heading to pick him up soon!!!!! Thank you for all the support. This Lost Dog Network is incredible and I’m happy to know it exists.

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