HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!! From the Owner: “Smokey is home safe and sound. Went out looking for him and found him just around the corner heading for home. Smart doggy
. He was cold and really wet..but happy to be found. Thank you everyone for spreading the word. I now have 2 very happy boys and 2 very happy dogs
.” (4.1.13 – 4.2.13)
Breed or Mix: Husky/Shepherd Mix
Sex: Male, Age: 9 yrs
Collar/Tags: Greenish collar with black and white bones, SPCA license tag
Lost on: 04/01/2013
Area: Cockburn Street, New Waterford, Cape Breton, NS
Additional Notes: Smokey is a very friendly dog. Usually will come when called. Understands basic commands such as sit, lay down, etc. My backdoor blew open and Smokey and his companion Sandy both got out. I found Sandy, but Smokey is still out there in the rain. My two boys a very upset and they want their dog home. Any help would be appreciated. Smokey could be in the Hudson Street area as well. We used to live down there.
Please Contact: …
Smokey is home safe and sound. Went out looking for him and found him just around the corner heading for home. Smart doggy :). He was cold and really wet..but happy to be found. Thank you everyone for spreading the word. I now have 2 very happy boys and 2 very happy dogs :).