HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! From the Owner: “ZOE IS HOME!!!!!!!! She just sprinted across our yard and I’ve caught her and brought her in! Thank you every single person who has helped look for her! It is greatly appreciated!! Alishia Ernst-McCarthy There was a very nice older man who just came to the door with her collar and leash in hand, she spent the night with him and his family, snuggled on his bed. He was getting ready to bring her back home when she bolted again. I saw her run across our front yard and went across the street to our awesome neighbour’s yard where I laid down with a treat for her and she came to me 🙂
All is happy and well!!” We thank everyone who cared and shared. (11.4.12 -11.5.12)
Breed or Mix: Husky
Sex: Female, Age: 1 year
Collar/Tags: black collar with id on the collar itself, no tags, the collar has 2 rubber spots where information can be written. Contact info is there. Also has a white flea collar on and a leash dragging behind her. Retractable 16′ hard plastic handle.
Lost on: 11/04/2012
Area: 19 Churchill St, Bridgewater, Lunenburg County, NS
Additional Notes: Zoe is very friendly, LOVES cars, very obedient (other than running), doesn’t chew, possessive over toys/treats. Good with other dogs after a short period of trying to get use to them. Seems aggressive toward cats (we don’t have one but she really tries to get the ones we see on walks). She has a white stripe on her nose, black with white tummy and big bushy tail. She has been fixed. LOVES kids! My oldest son attempted to leave her out for a pee (we allow him to hold the leash inside the door and let the dog step onto the grass right in front of the step to pee) so that he isn’t going out and there’s no chance she can pull him and she pulled away as soon as the door was opened and he couldn’t pull back in time to stop her from running off.
Please Contact: We will come pick her up at any time of day or night so don’t hesitate to call, even at 3am. We are worried sick about her and just want her home…
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