HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!! Thanks to the kind folks who cared for him: “Buddy’s owners were found and he’s now safely at home!! 🙂
Thank you NSLDN, he was recognized because of this website!! :):):)” (11.25.12 – 11.28.12)
Breed or Mix: Lab Mix
Sex: Male, Age: 7
Collar/Tags: Metal choke chain
Lost on: 11/25/2012
Area: Highway 1, Hants Border, , Hantsport, Hants Co., NS
Additional Notes: Found dog on Highway 1: Hants Border. Mature black lab mix male, Intact. Probably 7ish? Found roaming the street. Bit timid, but likes women 🙂 We have him in our home and safe. He stunk, so we gave him a bath. Has a a choke chain on, but no contacts.
Please Contact: …
Possibly Theresa Goodine’s dog? She lives on Martin Road but I don’t know her phone number. Sorry