FOUND: Roaming Dog: Plummer Ave & 12th Street, New Waterford, Cape Breton Co., NS — Pure Bred Beagle, Male, aprrox 3-4 years — “Unknown”


Unknown/but we call him Buster

Breed or Mix: Pure Bred Beagle

Sex: Male, Age: aprrox 3-4 years

Collar/Tags: None

Found on: 09/16/2012

Area: Around Plummer Ave and 12th Street, 12th Street, Nova Scotia, NS

Additional Notes: We found this dear soul wandering the streets and was going to get hit by a car, we took him in and Bathed him and now he is resting comfortably on our bed no less. We are hoping to find this dogs owner, as it looks like he has been well looked after and someone must be missing him terribly. Please help us find his owner.  Unfortunately, it turns out their son was terribly allergic, so this pooch has gone to the Cape Breton SPCA.

Thank you

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact the Cape Breton SPCA:  902-539-7722


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