SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: Lakeview Dr, Windsor Junction, NS – German Shepherd Dog


SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: There was a German Shepherd walking around Windsor Junct. Near Lakeveiw about 10:30 pm, Thursday Night, 2.23.12. We stopped but it ran away into the woods. A neighbor came out and said she had tried calling the dog but it avoided her as well.


  1. Laine submitted this update

    I believe this is the companion of the Golden who has been taken in by someone in the area. The two dogs (if they are the same ones I saw in January) have been travelling together and far.When I saw them they were in Brookside, on the Prospect RD. The person who was able to get the Golden put a found dog on Kijiji and mentioned the Shepherd had bolted.

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