HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe and Sound!! Yippee!!! Buddy is home safe thanks to the kind folks who found him caught by his leash and untied him from the branches. From the Owners friend: “Thank you to everyone who shared the lost notice on Facebook! Thank you for the people who untied him from the tree. Thank you to this website! You are all awesome and the owner is so grateful!” Just wonderful! (2.18.12 – 2.24.12)
Breed or Mix: Labrador Retriever, Yellow
Sex: Male, Age: 10
Collar/Tags: lead around neck
Lost on: 02/18/2012
Area: clark’s harbour cape sable island, main street clark’s harbour, Shelburne, NS
Additional Notes: Buddy pulled his lead and ran away with it attached to him. He’s a friendly dog.
Please Contact:….
Posted on the Animals in Need Facebook page… https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=361047953919424&id=196334653724089
Elaine Atwood dog is back home thanks to andy hunt n jackie atwood. it was stuck from the rope in the back of the woods and they untied it.
2 hours ago · Unlike · 2
Tiffany Hunt Happy “Buddy” is home safe and sound !!!!
Thank you to everyone who shared the lost notice on Facebook! Thank you for the people who untied him from the tree. Thank you to this website! You are all awesome and the owner is so grateful!