FOUND: Roaming Dog: Monarch Area, Beaverbank, HRM, NS - Shepherd Mix, male, black with white on chest, med/large, leather collar, upright ears, friendly
HAPPY ENDING: ANGUS is Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! His family picked him up this morning and he is now home with his best buddy, the cat. Terrific everyone. Happy New Year! Updated 1/1/12
FOUND: Roaming Dog – Scared from the New Years Fireworks it seems. Found in Beaverbank, Monarch Area of HRM. He was frightened, soaked and had a bloody paw. If you recognize this guy, please call Animal Control: 490-4000 or Homeward Bound City Pound: 407-7283. Thanks so much to the kind folks who did the right thing and brought this pooch into their home and safety.