LOST DOG: Belmont Crescent Area, Yarmouth, Yarmouth Co., NS - Lhasa Apso, female, 10 yrs old, brown/tan colour, collar 12/25/11
HAPPY ENDING: Cinnamon is home, safe and sound. Thanks to some folks that were kind enough to take her in and keep her safe until all could be reunited. YIPPEE!!! Thanks so much to all who helped by caring and sharing her info. Terrific!! Updated Dec 28/11
LOST DOG: Yarmouth/Belmont Crescent area/Yarmouth County Female: Lhasa Apso 10 years old, brown/tan in color. Wearing a collar with tags. Went missing Dec.25/11 in the morning. NAME: Cinnamon Please cross post and if you have any information contact …