HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Lost Dogs: Hwy 358, North Mountain, Kings Co. - 2 Female Siberian Huskies
HAPPY ENDING: Home, safe and sound!! Yippee!! A SIGHTING was reported and this quickly lead to their capture. Sweet!! Their family did all the right things, called all the right people, put up posters, talked to neighbours and it was just a matter of time before they were spotted. Wonderful news!! Thanks to everyone that shared this info. Terrific! Updated Dec 20/11
LOST DOGS:North Mountain/ Hwy 358/ Kings Co. Between Canard and Hillaton – closet town is Canning. FEMALES: 2 Siberian Huskies – both spayed, both micro chipped. Escaped their outdoor run Dec.17/11 approx. 9:30 am. NAME: ICE – all white, two blue eyes. She is very approachable and docile, wearing a black collar. NAME: Natasha or Nattie – black and white with black under two blue eyes, wearing a blue and red collor. She is very shy of people she does not know and would probably run off….