HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Lost Dogs: Belmont, Colchester Co., NS - Cholee: female, Lab/Terrier, 1 yr old & Bear: male, Shepherd/Lab, 1 yr old
HAPPY ENDING: Both are Home, Safe n’ Sound: Yippee!! Thanks to everyone that cared enough to share their info and help get them home. We are so happy for the dogs and their family and friends. Yeah!! Updated Dec 17/11
2 LOST DOGS: Belmont/Colchester County. FEMALE: Lab/Terrier mix. NAME: Cholee – she’s brown and white with light blue eyes. MALE: Shepard lab mix NAME: BEAR he has the colouring of a shepherd. Both are about a year old, both fixed and chiped, no collar. Please cross post and please contact