HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Tracadie, Antigonish Co., NS - Shepherd Mix, male, 4.5 yrs old, red collar, friendly
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n’ Sound… Thanks to everyone that cared and shared his info… every bit helps. Terrific!! From the owners: ” Great news We got our Christmas gift ! We found Rocko this morning ! He is home safe and sound waiting for a big turcky dinner !!! Thank you to everyone who help find him ! Have a Merry Christmas ! And we hope for the safe return of all the other lost puppies . Once again thank you !” Updated Dec 27/11
LOST DOG: Tracedie/ 48 Tracedie Loop/Antigonish Co. MALE: Shep mix, 4-5 yrs. old NAME: Rocko He is wearing a red collar with paw print motif. He is very friendly. Went missing on Dec. 16/11. Please cross post and if you have any information…