HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Border Collix Mix, female, brindle & white, small, young, collar no tags - Daniels U-Pick, 4473 Hwy 14, Windsor Forks, Hants Co., NS
HAPPY ENDING: “BELLA” is home, safe and sound! Thanks to the kind folks that got her to safety, those that then kept her safe, and all those that share her info which lead to finding her owners… they were out desperately looking for her. Yippee!! Happy Happy!! Updated: Dec 2/11
FOUND DOG: Windsor Forks/Daniels U-Pick:4473 Highway 14/ Hants County – FEMALE:Border Collie X, brindle and white (white on face, white chest, white feet and tip on tail) small, young (maybe 6 mos to a year, doesn’t appear to be fixed) wearing a tiger striped collar, no tags. Very, very friendly. Please cross post and Please call….