FOUND: Roaming Dog: Lab, blonde, male, blue collar, friendly - Pizza Pro, St. Margaret's Bay Road, Timberlea, HRM, NS
HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe and Sound!! Yippee!! This boy decided to take a little adventure trip, and was lucky to run into some great people that got him off the street by calling Animal Control… remember, the important thing is to get dogs to safety. Thanks to all who worked out who might own this dog and helped share his info… fantastic!! Updated Dec 6/11
FOUND DOG: Timberlea area MALE: Blond Lab. unaltered, wearing a blue collar. Very friendly. Finder could not keep the dog so he is with Animal Services – inside and safe. He was found near the … St. Margaret’s Bay Road. Please cross post and if you have any information call Animal Services @ 490-4000 or Homeward Bound City Pound @ 407-7283.