LOST DOGS: Twin Oaks Rd (previously Junction Rd), Brooklyn, NS - Maggie: Boxer, female, 2.5 yrs old & Piper: Boxer, female 1.5 yrs old: Both have collars/tags
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HALF A HAPPY ENDING: Piper is home, safe and sound. She’s been to the Vet to have her porcupine quills taken out, blood work done, and overall check. She is okay, all went well, and is now home recovering. She showed up behind a neighbour working his field… just looking up wagging her tail! Dog love her! (As Janet would say!) From her owner: “I was floored when I saw her!!”
Let’s get Maggie home next. Please share this info. Thanks everyone… Such fantastic news… fantastic!!
Updated 1/1/12
LOST DOGS: Brooklyn/ 651 Twin Oaks Road (previously known as Junction Road – north of highway 101 exit 18 in Middleton)/Annapolis Co. FEMALE: Boxers – both tan and white. NAME: Maggie – 2 1/2 yrs. old NAME: Piper – 1 1/2 years old. Both are wearing collars with county tags. Went missing Monday, Dec.19/11 – 10 am. Please cross post and Please contact Penny/Barry @ 825-4368 or 840-3647