HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Shadow: Border Collie/Choc Lab Mix, male, black with white chest stripe - St Mary's Animal Hospital, O'Brien Rd - Wentworth Rd, Windsor, Hants Co., NS
HAPPY ENDING: Home safe n’ sound. Thanks so much to all who offered to help and to those who spent time searching, sharing his info, etc. Awesome!! Yippee!!! Shadow is safe!!! Updated Nov 4/11
LOST DOG: Windsor, Hants Co. MALE: Border Collie/Choc Lab mix. All Black with white stripe down his chest/ slipped his collar – at approx. 12:45 am – Nov.4/11. He is micro chipped. He was being taken to the Vet as he appeared to be choking. He weighs approx. 55 lbs. He is very timid. NAME: Shadow