Found: Roaming Dog: Beagle: male, tri coloured, black collar, young adult - Shore Rd (near Birchtown intersection), Shelburne, NS
HAPPY ENDING: Home, safe and sound. It looks like after months in the shelter “Miles” has an adoption pending. Basically, this means he has found his new forever home unless some glitch comes up. So lets all hope that this is it for such a beautiful little dog. Terrific!!! Updated 1/15/11
FOUND DOG: Shelburne/Shore Road not far from the Birchtown intersection /Shelburne Co. MALE: Beagle, wearing a black leather. He had been seen for about a week prior to being caught on November 25th. If you are missing your beagle please contact PET Projects at 875-2367 or info@petprojects.ca