LOST DOG: Indie: Shep/Lab Mix, female, long legs, lean, ~ 6 yrs old, one eye with blue, friendly, ~ 35 - 40 lbs - (Poplar Hill Corner), Scotsburn, Pictou Co., NS
HAPPY ENDING: Indie is home safe and sound!! Yippee!!! Silly dog… out having an adventure! From his owner: “Indie is home! Thank you so much to everyone for sharing this link. Indie arrived home on her own a short while ago. Completely dry after all the rain we’ve had, so it’s a bit of a mystery. I guess maybe she got locked in a barn or something overnight and someone just got home from work and let her out? Probably will never know…but oh so grateful!” ♥22 hours ago
Updated Nov 19/11
LOST DOG: Scotsburn/ (Poplar Hill Corner)/Pictou Co. FEMALE: Shep Mix. NAME: Indie She is spayed, approx 6 years old, very lean with long legs (almost like a greyhound). Weighs about 35-40 lbs. Her right eye is half blue (half brown) and her left eye is brown other than a small blue fleck. Indie is a friendly, gentle dog and can also be a little timid. Not wearing a collar at the time. Went missing Nov.17/11 at 4 pm. Please cross post and please if you have any information contact …