LOST DOGS: Blue: German Sherpherd, male, collar & tags, tattooed & Meeka: Beagle Mix, female, black/tan, collar & tags - East Earltown, NS
HAPPY ENDING: Both Blue and Meeka are home safe n’ sound! Yippee!!! Why couldn’t dogs go missing with a doggie cam attached so we could see what adventures they had… in the very least why can’t they speak!!! LOL Very happy these pooches came home. Thanks to everyone that cared enough to share their info. Terrific!! Updated Nov 19/11
LOST DOGS: Gone since yesterday, Monday Nov 14/11, from East Earltown area. German Shepherd male, tattooed and collar & tags named Blue. And Beagle female, black & tan, collar & tags named Meeka. Please contact with any information: …