HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Alfie, Lab/Beagle, neutered male, 5 yrs old, black/brown, med. size - Monastery, Antigonish Co., NS
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n’ Sound: YIPPEE!!! Alfie was found in Heatherton!! Fantastic… thanks to everyone that helped by reporting sightings, sharing info, etc. Awesome!! Updated Nov 27/11
LOST DOG: Monastery/ 441 East Tracadie Rd./Antigonish Co. (note only 27 kilometers from Port Hawksbury, CB Co.) MALE: Lab/beagle mix – 5 years old., neutered, black and brown, medium sized. Looks more like a LARGE beagle – mostly black with brown paws, brown dot on head with floppy ears. Friendly. Went missing on Nov. 25/11. Not wearing a collar. NAME: Alfie Please cross post and please contact…