FOUND: Roaming Dog: Golden Retriever or Yellow Lab mix, male, blonde, blue collar - Beside Airport, Old Guysborough Rd, Halifax Co., NS
HAPPY ENDING: “Boomers” owner was found and as happy a reunion as that was, it was decided that the great folks who took Boomer in had more time for him… so the owner (good) recognized this and Boomer will be staying with his ‘foster’ family forever. A happy ending all around. Yippee!!! Congratulations! Thanks to everyone that cared enough to share Boomers info and help get this dog ‘home’. Updated Nov 15/11
FOUND: Roaming Dog off the Old Guysborough Rd, right beside the airport. Golden Retriever or Yellow Lab mix, male, thin, blue collar no tags, well behaved. Seems to have been wondering for a while… matted fur and thin. We would appreciate any help in finding his owners. Please call with any information: …