LOST DOG: Ally: German Shepherd, female, 5 yrs old, spayed, black choke collar, very timid/scared - Old Pictou Rd, Manganese Mines, Colchester Co., NS
LOST DOG: Manganese Mines/40 Old Pictou Rd./Colchester County FEMALE: German Shepherd. She is a 5 year old, spayed. NAME: Ally.She is wearing a black choke collar. She is missing the tip off one ear. Last seen in our yard at midnight Sat, Oct 1st. Her face is quite dark and she is probably about 50 lbs. She is very scared and very timid. (she was newly adopted from Lwr. Sackville) Please cross post and please contact Jacki at 843-5947 in the evening , 895-5406 ext 169 mon-fri daytime. My husband Ronald’s cell is 956-0066.