SAVED BY A BLACK BEAR: HAPPY ENDING: Homse Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: BLIND: Odie: Border Collie, male, mostly black with some white, long coat, 4 yrs old - MacLellans Mtn, Thorburn, Pictou Co., NS
ODIE SAVED BY A BLACK BEAR!!!! Not saved FROM a black bear, but saved BY a bear. Odie is home safe and sound thanks to great neighbours and a black bear:
“Neighbours were out in the woods – 5 miles in the brush and saw a black bear and a ‘cub’ – they took pictures and when they got home – they zoomed the pictures and realized the cub was NOT a cub – BUT was a dog! They could see the dog snout and the white blaze on the chest. (we are hoping to get copies of these pictures!). They ATVers went back into the brush found Odie and put out dog food – he would not go with them. So they contacted Julie and she went out into the woods – the mother bear was NOT in sight and she called to Odie and he came to her – she walked for at least 3 miles with him in her arms as it was getting dark and with his limited vision he was scared to walk. Julie was frightened because the area has a lot of coyotes etc. The folk on the ATV were following her to keep a look out. For the last bit – they were able to put Odie on the back with one of the riders and Julie ‘sat’ up by the engine! So Odie was being cared for by a BLACK BEAR! Just an amazing story…. When we get the pictures we will definitely share with you all! “
LOST DOG: Thorburn/ Maclellans mountain area/Pictou Co. MALE: Border collie – long coat, mostly black,with a white blaze on chest. 4 years old. Blind from birth in the right eye. Sees shadows with his left. NAME: Odie Very friendly and loves children. If his name is called he will tilt his head to view your shadow with his left eye. Please cross post and please look for this boy. He slipped out of his collar when strange dogs approached. Oct. 4/11.