HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Yoshi, Teacup Poodle, white, senior 13 yrs old - Hwy 10, Cookville Area, Lunenburg Co., NS
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n’ Sound: Yoshi is HOME!!! Yippee!!! Such great news, thanks everyone… awesome!! Updated October 23/11
LOST DOG: Cookville area of Lunenburg Co./Highway 10 MALE: Teacup poodle – white, 13 years old, weighs only about 3lbs., wearing a black collar – He’s missing the front half of his lower jaw and so he looks like he is sticking his tongue out all the time. NAME: Yoshi. He went missing just before midnight on Oct. 21/11. Please cross post and Please if you have any information … Let’s get this wee SENIOR boy HOME!