HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Pom/Chihuahua Mix, male, blonde, 8-9 months old, red collar - Reserve Mines, Cape Breton
HAPPY ENDING: Taz is home safe and sound!! He was NOT hit by a car as rumoured, but simply picked up and taken to safety. Thanks so much to the kind person who saved this little dog, by getting him off the road. And thanks to all the people that shared and cared by spreading the word about lost Taz. Awesome when people do the right thing!!! Yippee… Safe and Sound!! Updated Oct 23/11
LOST DOG: Reserve Mines/Ultramar Garage/CB Co. MALE: Pom/Chi mix, 8-9 months old, wearing a red collar, may have a piece of chain attached. NAME: Taz Please cross post and please contact …