FOUND: Roaming Dog: Scruffy Lab (Shar-Pei?) Mix, male, longer fur, black with white toes, black/white collar - Ultramar Gas Station, Hwy 7, Porter's Lake, HRM, NS
Resolved: Available for adoption: Let’s hope “Bubba” gets a Happy Ending soon. He’s looking great!! Available for adoption at Homeward Bound City Pound (www.citypound.ca), if interested please call: 407-7283
Updated Nov 15/11
FOUND DOG: Porter’s Lake/ Ultramar Gas Station old #7 Highway/Halifax Co. MALE: Med. Sized Black, with some tan and white paws, Not neutered – no chip – Vet thinks the dog is about 10 years old. Possible lab/collie mix. Was wearing a collar,white and black with a spider web design on it but no tags. Animal Services picked up the dog from the finder. If you recognize this dog please contact Animals Services at 490-4000 and us at novascotialostdognetwork@gmail.com. The finder would like to know that he has found his home. Thank you Jennifer for keeping him off the roads.