Happy Ending: Safe n Sound: Willis: Pug, Fawn (beige), 9 months old - East Uniacke Rd, near Mackenzie Dr, Mount Uniacke, NS
HAPPY ENDING: Safe n Sound: Willis is HOME!!!! After NINE days of postering, searching, spreading the word, establishing a live trap, rallying the community and neighbours Willis came home. He followed what seems to be our pattern in fear and flight dogs. There were some sightings but he wouldnt come to people out of fear then finally no sightings for five days (typical and we can only imagine they are staying put some where calming down after being exhausted from running the first few days) but yesterday there were THREE sightings. Willis was still calming and not quite ready to come to people but figuring it out. Today a neighbour called to say Willis was just in their backyard. Willis’ owner went over and calmly called Willis… he took a minute then ran right to her! YAY!! WILLIS!!!! Everyone is overjoyed!!! Thanks to all who helped in keeping the search going, searching and postering and spreading the word.