LOST DOG: Bella: Border Collie Mix, female, 11 yrs old, Black with a litte white - Orchard St, Mahone Bay, NS

LOST DOG: Bella: Border Collie Mix, female, 11 yrs old, Black with a litte white - Orchard St, Mahone Bay, NS
From Bella’s owners: I found Bella this morning just before sunrise, running along Highway 3. I followed her as she turned down East River Road and went up onto the deck of the first house on the right. She did not know me at all at first, but I got down low and held out a tennis ball. I asked her over and over if she wanted to play ball, and I could slowly see the change in her face as she started to recognize me. It was almost like a Disney film. 🙂 All that was missing was the cheesy soundtrack. She is still shaking a little, but she’s also eaten and is now in the living room with the girls… playing ball, of course.
We are SO grateful to everyone who offered their support in every way. There are some amazing people out there. We feel really blessed to have such great friends and to live in such a community. Myself, Alex, Kasia, Chloe, and our two cats say… THANK YOU! Our family is complete again.
LOST DOG: Mahone Bay, 79 Orchard St. Female: Border Collie X – she is 11 years old but very spry! NAME: BELLA- was wearing a collar with tags – she likes most people but is timid of other dogs. LAST SIGHTING: Exit 11 on Hwy 103, and she had apparently just crossed the highway and was heading south or southwest through the woods. PLEASE CROSS POST let’s get this senior home!